Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Cold fish

So why is it the Norwegians have a facination with cold fish . In fact with any fish they just love troughing the bloody stuff. Similar to the Spaniards and the Japanese . It seems any poor creature with gills or fins had best stay well clear of the these scale munching weirds and as for the poor old whale ? Well I have to confess I tried some the other day --- no bloody wonder they band catching it! Foul would be a under statement, if your the sort of person who might like liver or goat then you may well like whale meat . Personally i FIND IT ALL PRETTY BLOODY RANK. Not to tread too far down the road of animal ethics and meat is murder, because my over stated belief is so what if it tastes good it cant be bad. It does seem a awful waste to kill such a magnificant creature as a whale for food , when quite clearly they do taste so awful. So stop this insane slaughter of our mammal kin and start planting soya you over zealous type fishing vikings type people!!!!!!    

Friday, January 21, 2005


More than just another day

Waking up for another 12 hour day of hard mindless toil and hair wrenching just isn't every bodies cup of tea as they say. Here I am though stuck on a boat in the straits of Gibraltar drilling holes to take samples of the seabed. So a tunnel can be build linking Africa and Europe ,yes quite seriously. There is Tarifa beach Spain on one side of me (20 miles of gorgeous golden sand and beach bars and wind surfing , While on the other side in Morocco is Tangiers a strange city fill of old and new world. Eventually when its complete and and the Spanish and Moroccons mingle happily perhaps we as a race will be one step closer to being a peaceful world.

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